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Global eradication of polio cannot be achieved without the support of the people living in polio-affected communities. A community forum, as recently held in three districts of eastern Chad, allows communities to ask questions, express concerns , make sugg...
One year after launch of new plan, infected countries and donors review effectiveness of strategies and agree on essential steps to finish the job quickly 17 May 2011, Geneva, Switzerland - As international public health leaders gather in Geneva this...
The Hausa people have a saying: When you shave a man’s head, it is getting the last hair that is the most difficult. So it is with eradicating polio. Dr Muhammad Pate, Executive Director of Nigeria’s National Primary Healthcare Development Agency, blo...
Looking for studies that seek to provide solutions to some of the roadblocks encountered in polio eradication.  The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is seeking submissions for round seven of their 'Grand Challenges in Public Health' initiative....
Report highlights need for 'heightened attention' at all levels; calls funding gap 'single greatest threat'. 20 April 2011, Geneva, Switzerland - The report of the 31 March-1 April meeting of the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) of the Global Polio...
To minimise the risks of acquiring polio (for travellers to infected areas) and of reinfection of polio-free areas (by travellers from infected areas), the World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its polio immunization recommendations for travellers in...
More than 180 countries across Africa, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific rim demonstrate their commitment to immunisation. Starting 23 April, countries unite under the umbrella of immunization week and implement activities...
Kolkata, 30 March 2011 — Rukhsar Khatoon takes one look at her visitors and tucks her face into her mother's shoulder, crying in fear. Ever since she was paralyzed by polio, Rukhsar has had to confront doctors, epidemiologists, physiotherapi...
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative has issued an appeal for US$ 10.5 million to respond to an outbreak of polio in Côte d'Ivoire, where three children have been paralysed by wild poliovirus type 3 (WPV3) since January. This is the first WPV3 found in...
Everyone in the capital city is vaccinated in response to a large polio outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This year, 10 of the 26 cases of wild polio virus in the country have been registered in Kinshasa. By Cornelia Walther KINSHAS...
To assess progress towards polio-free world and measure developments against milestones set out in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative Strategic Plan 2010-2012, IMB members are presented with data and risk assessment. The Independent Monitoring Board...
Vice President Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos launched the first of three rounds of a national polio immunization campaign planned for 2011. SAURIMO, Angola, 25 March 2011 – It’s not every day that your child gets vaccinated by your country’s vice pr...
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