News Stories

New $60 million credit will support major immunization effort during a critical year. WASHINGTON, March 17, 2011 – The World Bank's Board approved today an additional credit of $60 million for Nigeria's Partnership for Polio Eradication project. These fun...
Most people celebrate a birthday with cake - but not Rotary International. Living up to their motto, 'Service Above Self', Rotarians instead used the organization's 106th anniversary to spread the message about polio eradication. So after the bell was...
Juba, southern Sudan, 22 February – The first round of the 2011 Polio National Immunization Days in Southern Sudan begins this week and is expected to reach an estimated 3.1 million children. Thousands of vaccination teams will spread across Southern Sudan...
Bill Sergeant, former Chairman of Rotary's International's Polio Plus Committee and true polio hero, passed away on 13 February at his home in Tennessee, USA. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) today mourns the loss of Mr Bill Sergeant. Mr Ser...
February 2011: In late 2010, a deadly polio outbreak struck the Republic of the Congo. It is the deadliest reminder in recent memory that unless eradicated, polio will spread internationally, with tragic human consequences. Mass immunizations are taking pl...
Citing dramatic gains achieved with polio vaccines, Prime Minister David Cameron joins Bill and Melinda Gates to call on world leaders to finish the job DAVOS, Switzerland – British Prime Minister David Cameron said on 28 January that the United Kingd...
The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi joins the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to purchase and deliver polio vaccines for Afghan and Pakistani children and protect them from paralysis. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Bill Gates, Co-C...
The only polio-endemic country where case numbers rose in the past year, Pakistan has developed a national emergency action plan that outlines area-specific strategies and accountability mechanisms. On 24 January, the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Za...
Global polio partners pledge support and urge continued action. Tachi Yamada of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation blogs his trip. As their visit to Angola came to a close today, Mr. Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director, Dr. Tachi Yamada, pres...
The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) noted this weekend that the majority of polio cases in 2010 were in OIC member states and expressed concern over the slow progress in eradication efforts in some of these countries. Pro...
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UNICEF today announced that Mr. Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director, and Dr. Tachi Yamada, president of the Global Health Program of The Gates Foundation, will arrive this weekend in Angola, where the governm...
As part of ongoing efforts to further improve operational quality of supplementary immunization activities (SIAs), a pilot study was carried out in Nigeria in November to determine the feasibility of using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to support...
US$ 22 million urgently needed for outbreak response in Congo -- appeal from WHO, UNICEF and Rotary International. Download full appeal (pdf): English ¦ français Current Situation: As of 7 December, at least 476 cases of acute fla...
New study in Vaccine offers strong economic justification for finishing the job on polio as quickly as possible. A new study being released this week estimates that the global initiative to eradicate polio could provide net benefits of at least US...
More than 72 million children to be immunized across 15 countries to tackle remaining risks Dakar/Brazzaville, 26 October – This week, Africa seizes an unprecedented chance to drive out polio when 15 countries across the continent launch a syn...