News Stories

Ministry of Public Health, WHO and UNICEF working to reach all underimmunized children wherever they live, priority outreach is being directed to Southern Region. Afghanistan’s Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), with the support of World Health Organ...
For seven countries in west Africa and Horn of Africa Washington, D.C. — The United Nations Foundation today announced that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had delivered $10 million of its $30 million commitment to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (G...
Children and adults all vaccinated Chinese authorities continue to respond aggressively to a polio outbreak in the western part of the country, in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Following the initial immunization campaign held on 8-1...
Sanofi Pasteur has donated to the World Health Organization (WHO) a vaccine seed-strain used for the production of oral polio vaccine (OPV). The type 3 polio seed-strain is the original viral seed used to produce large quantities of OPV against type 3 poli...
Intense outbreak in Pakistan, related cases in China Wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) genetically linked to virus currently circulating in Pakistan has been isolated in China. Pakistan is affected by nationwide transmission of WPV1, and is the loca...
It has now been 20 years since the last case of indigenous wild poliovirus was reported in the Americas This little Peruvian boy (pictured left) is Luis Fermin Tenoria. Luis was the last child in the Americas to be paralysed by indigenous wild polioviru...
No intention of curtailing operations in Nigeria The polio eradication family is mourning its own. The World Health Organization and UNICEF, two of the spearheading partners of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, both lost staff in the attack on UN H...
25-year-old Geeta, a mother of three, has her priority clear - making 300 bricks a day. “I don’t have time to even think of taking my children to the Aganwadi centre for routine immunization,” she admits. Hundreds of such mothers work in brick kilns in...
Sir Gustav Nossal – winner of the Albert Einstein World Award of Science and former Chairman of the WHO’s vaccines and biologicals program oversight committee – has added his support to the Global Poverty Project’s The End of Polio campaign. Deliver...
From the Development Policy Centre blog: In his earlier post on the eradication of polio, Jonathan Pryke discusses the long struggle that has led to the reducing the global burden of polio by 99% over the last 23 years. Today, Chris Maher discusses what li...
Yamoussoukro, (Cote d'Ivoire) -- Countries in the WHO African Region continued to make good progress in polio eradication in spite of outbreaks recorded in some Member States over the last two years. In a progress report on polio eradication to the WHO...
The Ministry of Health, China, has informed WHO that wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) has been isolated from four young children, aged between four months and two years, with onset of paralysis between 3 and 27 July 2011. All four cases are from Hotan Pre...
Global polio eradication is a top priority for Dr Thomas Frieden, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In August 2011, he and a delegation of US Congressional Staff Members travelled to India to gain a first-hand perspect...
25 August 2011 - How do you reach nomadic populations? Who better to ask than the leaders of the communities themselves?
Circumnavigating Australia to raise money for polio eradication As this story goes to print, three men in two rubber dinghies have just arrived at King Island in the south of Australia. These three men are no ordinary local fisherman, however - the tr...
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