News Stories

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded its prestigious Vaccine Innovation Award to polio consultant Dr Asm Amjad Hossain Dr Hossain, originally from Bangladesh and currently based in Nigeria supporting the country's polio eradication effort...
Bob Keegan's leadership and energy continue to inspire An inspiring mentor to many in the polio eradication effort passed away this week. Bob Keegan, former deputy director of the Global Immunization Division at the US Centers for Disease Control and...
Critical need to maintain immunity to poliovirus in India until global eradication achieved. Global polio eradication partners today congratulated India for passing a year without polio, for the first time in history. Central and state governments...
Safe, effective and affordable Sabin IPV As part of efforts to prepare for the polio post-eradication era, the World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners have facilitated the development of a new polio vaccine technology and will start soon the tran...
Rotary International News – Rotary International has succeeded in meeting the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s US$200 million match in funding for polio eradication.
Addressing the challenges of resistance to polio immunization in Nigeria
Polio survivor inspires support for ending the disease Ten days before his 21st birthday, David Goldstone lay in a hospital bed near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, his arms and legs paralyzed by polio, his body gripped by fever and in terrible pain....
Polio vaccination campaigns in Niger Niamey, 16 December – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has contributed US$ 1,588,000 to UNICEF Niger to support polio eradication. The grant is part of a total contribution of US$ 10 million to UNICEF to purchase OPV for...
A needle-free injection device is trialled in Cambodia It has long been clear that, as the world moves closer to the eradication of polio, there will eventually need to be a switch from the widespread use of oral polio vaccine (OPV) to an inactivate...
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for Polio Eradication appealed parents and caregivers to take advantage of this rare opportunity to “make polio history in India”. MUMBAI, India, - Lauding India’s unprecedented progress against polio, UNICEF Goodwill Ambass...
South Sudan and Sudan conduct polio vaccination campaigns KHARTOUM, Sudan, 6 December 2011 – Rahma Sid Ahmed pores over a roughly drawn pencil map that will help her locate children under age five. She is part of a team of vaccinators who have come to...
Eleven months ago, India reported its first and only case of polio for the year. The continued commitment of Indian parents and health workers will be crucial if the country is to finally shake off its status as one of the four remaining polio-endemic co...
The Democratic Republic of the Congo holds vaccination campaigns in early November, avoiding any disruptions due to the country's presidential elections Elections are currently underway in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and all the country's attent...
Prime Minister puts in place urgent measures to address drastic rise in new cases; appoints new Polio Focal Point to oversee effort On 24 November, the Government of Pakistan announced major new changes to the country's polio eradication effort, a...
Mass polio vaccination campaign to prevent outbreaks As long as poliovirus continues to circulate anywhere, it threatens children everywhere. Yemen has taken this message on board, ensuring the country's children are protected against polio by holding...
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