News Stories

Another ‘Plus’ in ‘PolioPlus’
Polio is about to become the second-ever human disease to be eradicated – efforts are underway to ensure it will stay eradicated
The polio outbreak response in Nigeria and across the Lake Chad basin is being run within the context of a broader humanitarian emergency response, as north-east Nigeria is classified within WHO as a Grade 3 emergency. But what does this actually mean?
A polio-free world starts with an engaged and informed community. With this in mind, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is excited to announce the launch of its new and user-friendly website.
Leaders of the Group of Seven have re-emphasised their commitment to stopping polio at their meeting in Kobe, Japan
As Nigeria reports its first wild poliovirus cases in two years, the risk of an ongoing vaccine-derived strain remains in Guinea
GPEI appeals for support to respond to a polio outbreak in north-eastern Nigeria as part of the broader humanitarian response effort
Government officials from across the Lake Chad sub-region call for a co-ordinated regional response following the recent wild polio cases in Nigeria
Interview with Michel Zaffran, Director of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative
Rapid multi-country response planned, as Nigeria declares national public health emergency
The Islamic Advisory Group met to reaffirm its commitment to polio eradication and reiterated its trust in the safety and effectiveness of all routine childhood vaccinations
An EndPolioNow tulip initiative is an example of efforts made by Rotarians across the world to help in the fight against the poliovirus
Following the detection of vaccine-derived poliovirus in the sewage system in Hyderabad, a vaccination campaign has been held to boost immunity and prevent a poliovirus outbreak.
In Pakistan, two vaccines and thousands of skilled workers are making a real difference by boosting the immunity of the most at-risk children to protect them against polio.
United Arab Emirates paves the way for continued progress against polio in Pakistan
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