News Stories

New commitment will help vaccinate 370 million children against polio over five years, preventing paralysis and even death, and strengthen health systems to achieve and sustain a polio-free world.
President and First Lady meet with GPEI delegation to discuss measures to increase immunity levels
By Dr Hamid Jafari, Director, Polio Eradication, WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
World Immunization Week highlights the importance of immunization globally
As of January 2024, Iraq has achieved the polio transition process in full. It is the first country among the polio transition priority countries to achieve this remarkable feat.
Women play central, diverse and multifaceted roles in safeguarding children from polio, proving that investments in women’s capacities and skills translate into investments in strengthening health systems.
The Female Mobiliser Vaccinator (FMV) programme supported by UNICEF and partners continues to play a critical role in efforts to reach every child and end polio in the country.
A new investment case shows that successful polio transition in the 8 priority countries of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region will have a very high return on investment.
21 February 2024, Aden, Yemen
A polio survivor in Nangarhar shares his challenges and advises parents to vaccinate their children