Polio eradication mourns loss of true polio champion

Bill Sergeant, former Chairman of Rotary’s International’s Polio Plus Committee and true polio hero, passed away on 13 February at his home in Tennessee, USA.

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) today mourns the loss of Mr Bill Sergeant. Mr Sergeant was the Chairman of Rotary International’s International PolioPlus Committee (IPPC) of the Rotary Foundation, from its inception in 1994 until 2006. During his tenure and under his guidance, Rotary International committed more than US$500 million to the global polio eradication effort. His personal commitment and tireless dedication to the achievement of a polio-free world was second-to-none. He was a towering force and a legend in polio eradication. There are countless of children around the world today without lifelong polio-paralysis, as a direct result of Bill Sergeant’s dedication. Recognizing his personal engagement and drive for polio eradication, the World Health Assembly in May 2006 honoured him, as he truly represented Rotary’s motto of ‘Service Above Self’. He was a true friend to the world, and he will be sorely missed. Bill Sergeant passed away on Sunday 13 February 2011, at his home in Tennessee, USA. Memorial contributions may be made to The Rotary Foundation PolioPlus campaign at here.

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Our sincerest condolences for the loss