Polio Gender Champions
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) recognizes that both gender responsive programming and organizational change are key to gender mainstreaming. Polio eradication interventions cannot effectively reach every last child unless informed by sex-disaggregated data and gender-sensitive analysis.
The Gender Champion for Polio Eradication is a concrete effort to build off of the current movement by high-level, national and international gender champions and to highlight the role of gender in achieving polio eradication, by committing to the GPEI Gender Equality Strategy and supporting its full implementation.
“The success of GPEI can in large part be attributed to the extraordinary efforts and dedication of the female health workers that work tirelessly to vaccinate children in their communities. The right of both boys and girls to access vaccines is fundamental and underpins GPEI’s ability to eradicate polio and to ensure that all children have access to vaccines, irrespective of where they happen to live and their gender. I’m proud that the GPEI places such emphasis on understanding global health through the eyes of girls and women and it is a privilege to support GPEI’s efforts to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women in its efforts to eradicate polio and beyond.”
I support the GPEI Gender Equality Strategy by committing to:
- Champion gender-related issues in official speeches and in conversations with my counterparts in other countries
- Use social media wherever possible to shine a light on gender disparities in the world of global health
The Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell, MP, Minister of State (Development and Africa), United Kingdom

“The Covid-19 pandemic has worsened existing inequalities between women and men in almost all areas of life, both in Europe and beyond, and has reminded us of the crucial role of gender in health programming. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative, one of the largest public health programs in history, has spearhead incredible efforts to mainstream gender in its programming. In this final step towards polio eradication, we must continue to support gender mainstreaming and we must not ignore gender-related barriers to vaccination. Spain is proud to support the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and its commitment towards gender equality.”
I commit to:
• Take part in an annual dialogue, event and/or briefing in Spain or abroad until 2023, with members of the diplomatic community and/or governments’ representatives to expand the conversation around gender equality and health and to raise awareness on gender related barriers to immunization and polio eradication.
• Actively promote and give visibility to the GPEI Gender Equality Strategy through social media
José Manuel Albares Bueno, Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation
Other Gender Champions
H.E. Ms. Carole LANTERI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Monaco to the United Nations Office at Geneva “The progress the polio program has witnessed in the past years would not have been possible without the hard work and commitment of courageous women who are dedicated to protecting children, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. More than ever before, we need to advocate for the adoption of gender-transformative policies and strengthen women’s leadership in health. Monaco is proud to support GPEI’s efforts towards gender equality.”
I support the GPEI Gender Equality Strategy as a concrete effort to highlight the role of gender in polio eradication by committing to:
• Host an annual dialogue with Permanent Mission Representatives to expand the conversation around gender equality and health, including gender related barriers to immunization and polio eradication
• Acknowledge the role of women as front-line workers in polio eradication (and COVID-19)
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization and Chair of the Polio Oversight Board“From the everyday choices about their children’s health to delivering life-saving health services and the big-picture decisions about strategies and resources, women can and must play a key role in every level of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Empowering women is not just a ‘nice to have’ in our efforts to end polio forever, it’s essential.”
I support the GPEI Gender Equality Strategy as a concrete effort to highlight the role of gender in polio eradication by committing to:
• Increase women’s meaningful and equal participation and leadership at all levels of the GPEI
• Engage Member States to increase the efforts in global leadership on gender and health, including immunization

Christopher Elias, President of Global Development Division at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation“The world has made remarkable progress to end polio, but success is not guaranteed. To address the final challenges to achieving a polio-free world we must not forget the fundamental role that women play in leading the final push to rid the world of polio. Most of the brave health workers who vaccinate children every day worldwide, sometimes in difficult and even dangerous conditions, are women. Many women are also key policy makers and program managers that drive the success of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.”
I support the GPEI Gender Equality Strategy as a concrete effort to highlight the role of gender in polio eradication by committing to:
• Support and advocate for an adequate sex-disaggregated data collection throughout the GPEI
• Ensure that adequate budgets for gender expertise and capacity-building are provided, as well as for the sustained and consistent implementation of gender equality programming
Michael K. McGovern, International Polio Plus Committee Chair at Rotary International“Rotary International’s mission to eradicate polio globally is our top priority. As we work with our partners to apply innovative new strategies to reach more children, we must tackle gender-related barriers to eradication. I’m optimistic that the end of polio is within our grasp, but we must remain vigilant in rallying global political and financial support and mainstream gender in our strategies and actions as we push towards a polio-free world.”
I support the GPEI Gender Equality Strategy as a concrete effort to highlight the role of gender in polio eradication by committing to:
• Promote a workplace culture based on gender equality, including through trainings and awareness raising activities
• Ensure a balanced representation of women and men in official media and communications products, including web stories, videos, photo-essays and other communication pieces