2013 Global Citizen Festival to highlight health, polio

Polio eradication to be featured as an example of the progress being achieved in the broader campaign to end extreme poverty.

Global Citizen

The Global Poverty Project has announced the return of the Global Citizen Festival to the Great Lawn of New York’s iconic Central Park. The free ticketed concert on 28 September will star Stevie Wonder, Kings of Leon, Alicia Keys and John Mayer and special guests.

Free tickets to the 2013 Festival can be earned at www.globalcitizen.org, where fans can take online “action” to earn their admission. By watching videos, signing petitions, sending emails to world leaders and more, participants become active and learn about the four main themes behind this year’s Festival: education, women’s equality, global partnerships and global health. As one of the Global Poverty Project’s main focuses, polio will be featured under the latter category, and will be used to demonstrate the progress being achieved towards the end of extreme poverty.


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